Advance Glutathione Treatment

Advance Glutathione Treatment


What is glutathione and do I need it?

Glutathione is a combination of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine. It is known as the ‘master antioxidant’ – and for good reason! Naturally occurring in the liver, it is the body’s natural ‘detoxifier’ which works to clear toxins from the body. Glutathione is required by almost all body functions and is found in most cells in the body.

Glutathione production unfortunately decreases with age. This is one reason why age spots are common as we grow older. This decline in production worsens with a high-stress lifestyle, poor eating habits or poor quality food, excessive toxins like smoking, alcohol or environmental pollutants and poor sleep amongst other reasons.

What does it do?

Glutathione has many benefits including:

  • Improves the appearance of the skin (including dark spots, freckles, uneven skin tone, blemishes, liver spots, and signs of ageing).

  • Reverses the dark melanin pigments in the skin, thus reducing hyperpigmentation.

  • Improves pigmentation from sun-damaged skin.

  • Helps to strengthen immune function.

  • Breaks down free radicals which are created during exposure to hot and cold environmental temperatures, toxicity, and UV light from the sun. Additional sources of free radicals include exhaust fumes and pollutants for those in the City, and recirculated air for those who travel a lot by trains or planes.

  • Supports cell regeneration including tissue building, cell growth, and wound healing.

  • Aids detoxification of heavy metals.

  • Prevents oxidative cell damage.

  • It is a very powerful detox agent which can help to reduce cell damage in the liver and help counter the toxic effects of many drugs, malnutrition, and diseases (chronic or acute).